Thursday, December 31, 2015

Quote of the day

"Dreaming is good, but waking into those dreams is better."

By Palle Oswald

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Leave Me Alone

Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending his company's Christmas party. Jack is not normally a drinker, but the drinks didn't taste like alcohol at all. He doesn't even remember how he got home from the party.

As bad as he is feeling, he wonders if he did something wrong. Jack has to force himself to open his eyes and the first thing he sees are a couple of Aspirins next to a glass of water on the side table. And, next to them, a single red rose. Jack sits up and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed.

He looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotlessly clean. So is the rest of the house. He takes the Aspirins, and cringes when he sees a huge black eye staring back at him in the bathroom mirror.

Then he notices a note hanging on the corner of the mirror written in red with little hearts on it and a kiss mark from his wife in lipstick.

"Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to get groceries to make you your favorite dinner tonight. I love you, darling. Love, Jillian"

He stumbles to the kitchen and sure enough, there is hot breakfast, steaming hot coffee, and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating.

Jack asks, "What happened last night?"

"Well, you came home after 3 A.M., drunk and out of your mind. You fell over the coffee table and broke it, and then you puked in the hallway, and got that black eye when you ran into the door.

Confused, he asked his son, "So, why is everything in such perfect order and so clean? I have a rose, and breakfast is on the table waiting for me."

His son replies, "Oh that. Mom dragged you to the bedroom, and when she tried to take your pants off, you screamed, 'Leave me alone, I'm married!'"

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Written in Sand and Stone

One day two friends were walking through the desert. Somewhere in the middle of the journey, both got into serious argument, the result of which one of them could not resist his anger and slapped the other in the face. Really he was hurt and immediately wrote on the sand:

"Today My best friend slapped me."

Afterward they continued their journey till they found an oasis. There they wanted to rest for a while and prepared to take bath in the water. First the person who got slapped entered and got stuck in the mire, started drowning. The other who slapped his friend saved him from drowning. After the recovery from a near death he engraved the words on a nearby stone like this.

"Today my best friend saved my life."

The other got confused and questioned the difference. The friend replied that, whenever we get hurt by the behaviour or actions of someone we have to remember it like the words those are written on the sand where the winds of 'forgiveness' can easily erase it from our memories.

Whenever we got benefited or saved from a danger by somebody, we have to fix them in our mind like letters engraved on a hard rock permanently where the winds of forgetting can't erase them. This increases our gratitude and indebtedness towards the people who are genuine in their nature.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Give An Excuse

A man in his 40's bought a new BMW and was out on the Trans Canada Highway for a nice evening drive. The top down, breeze blowing through what was left of his hair, and he decided to open her up. As the needle went over 140 km/h, he suddenly saw flashing red and blue lights behind him.
"There's no way they can catch my BMW," he thought to himself and opened her up further. The needle hit 160, 180.... then the reality of the situation hit him. "What am I doing?" he thought and pulled over.
The cop came up to him, took his license without a word, and examined it and the car. "It's been a long day, this is the end of my shift, and it's Christmas eve. I don't feel like more paperwork, so if you can give me an excuse for your driving that I haven't heard before, you can go."
The guy thinks for a second and says, "Last week my wife ran off with a cop. I was afraid you were trying to give her back."
"Have a nice weekend," said the officer.

Quote of the day

Love doesn't hurt, love doesn't cut, and in dark times love doesn't cease.
Love heals, love seals, it drains out the world and leaves you with peace.

By Palle Oswald

Quote of the day

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."

By Jimmy Dean

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Road Less Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
"Two roads diverged in a wood,
And I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

By Robert Frost

Saturday, December 19, 2015

You Will Walk

I went for a night prayer at one church and in the midst of the prayer session, a member touched my shoulder and said, "YOU WILL WALK."
I didn't understand because I'm not disabled, but when I got out of the church, I realized my transport money had been stolen.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Fire of Friendship

A man called Ali is in need of money and asks his boss to help him out. His boss sets him a challenge: if he can spend all night on the top of a mountain, he will receive a great reward; if he fails, he will have to work for free. The story continues:

When he left the shop, Ali noticed that an icy wind was blowing. He felt afraid and decided to ask his best friend, Aydi, if he thought he was mad to accept the wager.
After considering the matter for a moment, Aydi answered:
‘Don’t worry, I’ll help you. Tomorrow night, when you’re sitting on top of the mountain, look straight ahead.
‘I’ll be on the top of the mountain opposite, where I’ll keep a fire burning all night for you.

‘Look at the fire and think of our friendship; and that will keep you warm.
‘You’ll make it through the night, and afterwards, I’ll ask you for something in return.’

Ali won the wager, got the money, and went to his friend’s house.
‘You said you wanted some sort of payment in return.’

Aydi said, ‘Yes, but it isn’t money. Promise that if ever a cold wind blows through my life, you will light the fire of friendship for me.’

Extract from ALEPH by Paulo Coelho

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Quote of the day

"If you are the one perfect person in an imperfect world, you are flawed."

By Palle Oswald

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Quote of the day

"In the end, we will be haunted more by the mistakes we didn't make than by the ones we did make."

By Palle Oswald

Monday, December 14, 2015

Drunk Test

Brian was pulled over for speeding, and as the cop approached his car, he noticed lighter fluid, matches, and torches, all in the passenger seat right next to him. “Sir,” said the cop, motioning to the paraphernalia.  “Can I ask why you have that stuff in the car? ”
“Well officer,” said Brian, “it’s quite simple. I’m a juggler in a circus and this is my equipment.”
The cop, clearly not believing him, insisted that he come over to the side of the road and juggle the torches so he can see if his story was indeed true. Just then an elderly couple cruised by and the old man turned to his wife, “Suzie, am I glad I finally  gave up drinking.  Can you believe the drinking test they are giving now?!”

How To Get Away With Speeding

So there was this female business executive who was late for a meeting. She is going 65 on a street where the speed limit is 40. A cop pulls her over and says, “Ma’am, can I please see your license?”
She says, “I’m sorry, officer, but I got it revoked two years ago for drunk driving.”
His brow furrows and he straightens up. “Well, can I please see the registration of your car?”
She says, “I stole the car and I killed the driver. He’s in the trunk.”
“Ma’am, DON’T MOVE, I’m calling for backup.” He mutters furiously into his walkie-talkie… Five minutes later, half the squad pulls up, the Chief of Police walks over to the woman’s window.
“Ma’am, can I see your license?” he asks sternly.
“Of course, officer,” she smiles demurely and pulls out a license from her purse. He squints warily at it.
“This looks legitimate,” he mumbles. “Can I see the registration to this car?”
She pulls it out of the glove compartment and hands it to him.
“Ma’am, stand back.” He bangs open the trunk of the car and flinches, but it was completely empty. The woman brandishes a finger at the first cop and says accusingly, “And I’ll bet that liar told you I was speeding too!”

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, For this year I’m requesting, a fat bank account, and a small body.

P.S. This year, please don’t mix them up, like you did last year!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Qoute of the day

"You can be comfortable or courageous, but you can not be both."

- Brene Brown

Winds of Winter

My teeth chattering, ears numb and lips cracking.
The wind howling, tears frozen. I wrap myself in layers of loneliness against the winter's cold.
My heart hardened in an icy mold.

Will they laugh if they saw the true me?  
Should I let them comfort me?
Would they cry if they saw me crying?
So why does nobody mourn as I sit here dying?
Then a ray of light pierced the mist.
As she came along to bring colour into my world.
The harbringer of Spring to melt my snow.            
And leave a handprint on a new heart.

Summer came soon enough with footprints in the sand.
Twinkles in her eyes and flowers in her hair.
The air rung with laughter that sounded like forever.          
As waves kissed our legs to make goodbye seem a forgotten word.
I never saw a palace, yet she made me feel a king.    
In my darkest hour, she made me bling.
In my finest nights, she was my dreams.

"I will never forsake you, my love
I swear it on those things eternal
I am your lady and you are my man
I will be by your side forever and ever."

But forever didn't survive the first sting of Autumn's chill.  
As I reach by my side and my fingers close around nothing.
I look over a shoulder to see waves wash away proof of her presence.
After all the laughter I'm back where the tears began.
I stand all alone once again, lost to myself.
Where's my sun, my moon, my world?
Is love the answer or just an attempt at the question?

I look ahead at the endless stretch of sand.
And my palms itch in memory of another's hand.
As I take the first step to hope fortune favours the bold.
And somehow I no longer dread the coming cold.

By Palle Oswald


  An old man meets a young man who asks: “Do you remember me?” And the old man says no. Then the young man tells him he was his student, ...