Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sweat Dreams

A young boy and girl were enjoying a pleasant afternoon playing outside in their neighborhood together. The boy showed the girl his collection of beautiful, unique marbles. In turn, the girl showed the boy the handful of candy that she had just gotten for her birthday.
The boy proposed that the two of them switch–he would give her all of his marbles if she handed over all of her candy. The girl agreed, as she found the marbles to be beautiful as well.
The boy handed over all of his marbles, but kept one–the most exquisite one of them all–in his pocket. The girl kept her promise and gave the boy all of her candy.
That night, the girl was happy with the exchange and peacefully went to sleep.
The boy, however, couldn’t sleep, as he was up wondering if the girl had secretly kept some of her candy, just like he did with the marble.

When you don't give your all in relationships, you believe everyone is holding back as well.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Wise Man's Joke

A wise man once faced a group of people who were complaining about the same issues over and over again. One day, instead of listening to the complaints, he told them a joke and everyone cracked up laughing.
Then, the man repeated the joke. A few people smiled.
Finally, the man repeated the joke a third time – but no one reacted.
The man smiled and said, “You won’t laugh at the same joke more than once. So what are you getting from continuing to complain about the same problem?”
You’re not going to get anywhere if you keep complaining about the same problem but do nothing to fix it. Don’t waste your time complaining, expecting other people to continue to react to your complaints. Instead, take action to make a change.

The Price of Salt

Che had gathered his friend for supper and was brewing a juicy piece of meat. Suddenly, he noticed they were out of salt.
Che called his son. “Go to the village and buy salt. But pay the fair price for it; neither pricier nor cheaper.”
His son was surprised. “I understand I shouldn’t pay more, father. But if we can bargain a little, why not save some money?”
In a large city, this is advisable,” he said. “However, in a small city as ours, the entire village will notice it.”
His guest overheard their conversation and wanted to know why one shouldn’t buy salt for less.
Che answered, “Those who sell underpriced salt, do it in a desperate need for money. Those who take advantage of the situation, show disrespect for the sweat and battle of a man that worked to produce something.”
But that is too little to destroy a village.”
In the beginning of the world, injustice was scant as well. But everyone that came afterward added something, thinking it was not important, and see where we got today.”

The Cheapest Room

Love sometimes wants to do us a great favor: hold us upside down and shake all the nonsense out.
Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you.
I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in the darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.
There are different wells within your heart.
Some fill with each good rain,
Others are far too deep for that
Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.


  An old man meets a young man who asks: “Do you remember me?” And the old man says no. Then the young man tells him he was his student, ...